Monday 31 December 2012

Happy New Year! Welcome to 2013!

Welcome to 2013!

A very Happy New Year to all, wherever you may be in the World, i wish you the very best for the next 365  days until we all descend, one more, into Christmas shopping and endless fireworks, in a pointless attempt to outdo the Aussies! ( If you're British, i hope you'll understand what i mean!)

On a more serious note, the current US financial problem and the generally chaotic view of the political world at the moment, my hope for the year 2013 is that we see some kind of unilateral cooperation between the world's nations. Whether motivated by fear in a world unsure of its financial future or hope from a world looking for a better one, i sincerely hope that this year is the one!

I know, i know... I'm a pathetic optimist... Comes with being British!

Happy New Year!

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