Friday 28 December 2012

On this Day - 28th December 1879

On this Day - 28th December 1879

The Tay Bridge collapse. A rather infamous event in Britain, when a violent storm caused the collapse of the rail bridge over the Firth of Tay in Scotland. Winds in excess of 70mph blowing at right angles to the bridge were recorded and was unanimously hailed as one of the worst storms in living memory.

A train carrying 60 people was on the bridge when a central section of it collapsed and fell into the estuary, taking the train with it. There were no survivors and 14 bodies were never recovered. Many elements were criticised as being the cause of the tragedy, from the construction of the bridge, to it's seeming lack of maintenance and the speed of trains crossing it. As there were no survivors, the true cause of the disaster was never conclusively determined. A new bridge stands on the sight today, with the stumps of the old one still visible in the water, there is no other memorial to the victims.

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