Tuesday 11 December 2012

On this day - December 11th 1920

On this day - December 11th 1920

(Particularly fitting given the current loyalist instability in Belfast)

Black and Tams and regular British forces burned and looted several buildings in Cork, Ireland in response to and IRA ambush, which wounded 12 and killed 1. Firefighters attempting to halt the blaze were impeded by the Army and suffered varying levels of intimidation, from having their hoses cut to being shot at. Over 300 residential properties were destroyed in the fire and 3 people were killed, the first two being unarmed IRA members and the last being a woman who suffered a heart attack when the Army entered her home.

It's the memory of events such as this which keep Ireland in the minds of the British people and the world. The Irish themselves (Northern and Republic) both abhor such acts now as a return to "the troubles" would only bring with it further collateral damage and civilian deaths. We must remember, particularly in the present time that Loyalism, Nationalism and religious divides may separate us but they must not separate us from our better natures.

I pray that the current situation in Belfast over this past week is not the start of something further. From what the police have released, the majority of those involved are cut from the same cloth as those who partook in the London riots, they are opportunists with no political or religious motive to speak of, if you love your country enough to protest at the removal of it's flag, protest it peacefully, attacking the police is not the way to get your grievances addressed!

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