Monday 3 December 2012

Probably should have done this first, I don't even know if anyone is reading this, i hope so. I need an outlet for my thoughts, hopefully you're thinking along similar lines to me, if you're reading this I assume so!

As a cynical, thoughtful and enthusiastic Brit and history student I thought I could try to help others out with information, historical knowledge and a chance for discussion (and maybe a bit of insight into the life of a University Student studying history!) and my journey of learning and discovery. I am currently studying History at the University of Stirling

My Idols - Sherlock Holmes
Eddie Chapman

Sir Flinders Petrie

Sir Francis Drake
I'll talk about anything, whether anyone is listening or not, History is my passion and my life's work and efforts are directed into emphasising its importance. In studying it and collecting historical artifacts and working my way up the Historians hierarchy I hope one day to be someone of note.  Small beginnings is where I am, greatness is what i aspire to. To reach my goal, I feel compelled to share knowledge with anyone who seeks it. The value of what I know is up to you, I can only hope it aids you in your journey. As one of my heroes would attest: Sic Parvis Magna, greatness from small beginnings.

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