Tuesday 5 February 2013

A Fair Chance

Welcome back from the Christmas holidays, for me at least! Finally back at Uni after longer down south away from Scotland than I care to mention!

A promising step for me though today! Breaking News if you will!

I managed to secure myself a position for research and work at the Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders museum at Stirling Castle. According to the guys who interviewed me my duties will be to get through the archives (which i can say are massive!) and write up papers and new articles for their collections on the Regiment and its history. As if this wasn't enough i'll also be able to have the immense honour and pleasure of talking to Regiment's veterans who liase closely with the museum, to add their recollections to our collections as well.

"The Thin Red Line" The Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders at Balaklava 1854

I feel this is a great opportunity for me and also for you! I intend to relay the information and the stories I uncover to you! So those who choose can share in the stories that I can hopefully recover from obscurity ( sounds a bit over zealous doesn't it?)

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