Tuesday 5 February 2013

History in the making! Where were you?

Richard III - The King in the Car Park

Great bit of history that I have been around for, the remains of King Richard III are identified in a car park in Leicester, England 600 years after his death. Successfully identified after the DNA of Richard's descendants was matched with that of the skeleton. Now famous traits such as his hunch and his feminine physique have been seen in the remains and he had a grisly end! Part of his skull appears to have been sliced away, a wound in the skull penetrated 4 inches into his brain and multiple lacerations on the face indicate a furious final battle at Bosworth in which Richard was clearly in the fray!

But how much about what we know about the "evil uncle" is true and what is fiction? Excellent documentary, unfortunately I doubt those outside the UK may view it on 4od, sorry!

1 comment:

  1. The Tudors did develop a habit of altering history to make themselves look better!
