Saturday 20 April 2013

War between Great Britain and the United States? Canadians may wish to take note!

The above link is to a documentary that was recommended to me discussing the viable possibility of a war between the United States and the British Empire in the 1930's.

I know what you're thinking! What a load of absolute shite! Special relationship and all that! I know because I thought the same thing; this is just another pseudo-historian making shit up in a vain attempt to be interesting (don't get me wrong about pseudo-history, it can occasionally be interesting :P) but when I gave this a watch and then did some reading on it afterwards I was forced to take a massive helping of humble pie!

The United States and Great Britain, contrary to popular opinion, did not develop the "special relationship" as we know it until much later than I expected. And the rising levels of impatience between London and Washington after the First World War eventually resulted in the preparation of a detailed and perfectly feasible plan of attack by the United States which became known as War Plan Red

(all sounds a bit Tom Clancy I know but bear with me!)

In the 1930's Britain was in hock deep with American bankers and loans that she had given out to France and Belgium at the commencement of hostilities (hoping that Britain could bank roll the conflict but not have to get involved directly) were now being delayed by the massive damage done in Western Europe and the fact that German war reparations were no longer being paid. This inability to pay back what we had borrowed coupled with several naval treaties meant that the Americans were thoroughly sick to death with Britain, seemingly ungrateful for the American lives that had been lost ending the war. 

In response the U.S armed forces drew up a comprehensive plan to interdict further British belligerence by invading (yes you read that correctly) Canada and British overseas territories in the Caribbean and Pacific. This plan, as explained in the documentary, really wasn't going to be a civilised war and would be characterised by the mass bombing of cities in Canada and America, Chemical Warfare and plenty of backstabbing, all topped off with a very interesting question: who would have won

Honestly, this really is worth a watch and I highly recommend it to you!

1 comment:


    Fortunately we found a more civilised way of settling our differences! HAH!
