Wednesday 17 April 2013

History in the Making! Where were you? PM Thatcher's Funeral

This day April 17th 2013, former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, Baroness Margaret Thatcher's funeral has taken place in Central London; amid controversy over it's £10 million price tag. Remembered with applause by some and utter disdain by others for her often controversial politics and fiery attitude, she will be remembered by all at least as the first ( and so far only ) female Prime Minister my country has ever known.

Spent ages looking for a good photo of the procession, then found this. I think it tells the same story.

Highlights from the funeral procession here:
The first state funeral for a Prime Minister since that of Sir Winston Churchill in 1965, of which another similarity can be made; they were both immensely popular during wartime, but their popularity faltered with the coming of peace. Despite the obvious pomp and circumstance that I am all too happy to oblige in cases like these, I do wonder how the price has jumped so astronomically. I can't imagine it's cheap to clear out St Paul's and close off half of the roads in Central London on a weekday, but the gun carriage hire would be free I imagine? Either way, me not being a taxpayer I don't really need to concern myself; to all those who are I can only say...


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