Sunday 14 April 2013

This Day in History: Sic Semper Tyranus

On this day April 14th 1865, President Abraham Lincoln was shot by John Wilkes Booth at Fords theatre in Washington DC.

Booth was the only one of three conspirators to actually kill his target that night. Two other assassins: Lewis Powell and George Atzerodt attempted to kill Secretary of State Seward and Vice President Johnson as well , hoping that this would cut the head off the federal government and provide the South a chance to revive the Confederate cause. Lincoln died the following day from one shot fired at point blank range to the back of the head. Following the shot, Booth jumped from the President's box onto the stage, breaking his leg in the process, despite this he is said to have shouted "Sic Semper Tyranus"; in Latin "Thus always to tyrants". A touch melodramatic, but then again the man was an actor...

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