Thursday 25 April 2013

Anzac Day - 25th April 2013

Today, we remember the contributions of the men and women of Australia and New Zealand in all conflicts. Engraved on the memorial at Anzac Cove on the Dardanelles peninsula is the following inscription:

"Those heroes that shed their blood and lost their lives. You are now living in the soil of a friendly country therefore rest in peace. There is no difference between the Johnnies and the Mehmets to us where they lie side by side in this country of ours. You, the mothers, who sent their sons from faraway countries wipe away your tears; your sons are now lying in our bosom and are at peace. After having lost their lives on this land they have become our sons as well"

Kamal Ataturk, 1st President of the Turkish Republic

Saturday 20 April 2013

War between Great Britain and the United States? Canadians may wish to take note!

The above link is to a documentary that was recommended to me discussing the viable possibility of a war between the United States and the British Empire in the 1930's.

I know what you're thinking! What a load of absolute shite! Special relationship and all that! I know because I thought the same thing; this is just another pseudo-historian making shit up in a vain attempt to be interesting (don't get me wrong about pseudo-history, it can occasionally be interesting :P) but when I gave this a watch and then did some reading on it afterwards I was forced to take a massive helping of humble pie!

The United States and Great Britain, contrary to popular opinion, did not develop the "special relationship" as we know it until much later than I expected. And the rising levels of impatience between London and Washington after the First World War eventually resulted in the preparation of a detailed and perfectly feasible plan of attack by the United States which became known as War Plan Red

(all sounds a bit Tom Clancy I know but bear with me!)

In the 1930's Britain was in hock deep with American bankers and loans that she had given out to France and Belgium at the commencement of hostilities (hoping that Britain could bank roll the conflict but not have to get involved directly) were now being delayed by the massive damage done in Western Europe and the fact that German war reparations were no longer being paid. This inability to pay back what we had borrowed coupled with several naval treaties meant that the Americans were thoroughly sick to death with Britain, seemingly ungrateful for the American lives that had been lost ending the war. 

In response the U.S armed forces drew up a comprehensive plan to interdict further British belligerence by invading (yes you read that correctly) Canada and British overseas territories in the Caribbean and Pacific. This plan, as explained in the documentary, really wasn't going to be a civilised war and would be characterised by the mass bombing of cities in Canada and America, Chemical Warfare and plenty of backstabbing, all topped off with a very interesting question: who would have won

Honestly, this really is worth a watch and I highly recommend it to you!

Wednesday 17 April 2013

History in the Making! Where were you? PM Thatcher's Funeral

This day April 17th 2013, former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, Baroness Margaret Thatcher's funeral has taken place in Central London; amid controversy over it's £10 million price tag. Remembered with applause by some and utter disdain by others for her often controversial politics and fiery attitude, she will be remembered by all at least as the first ( and so far only ) female Prime Minister my country has ever known.

Spent ages looking for a good photo of the procession, then found this. I think it tells the same story.

Highlights from the funeral procession here:
The first state funeral for a Prime Minister since that of Sir Winston Churchill in 1965, of which another similarity can be made; they were both immensely popular during wartime, but their popularity faltered with the coming of peace. Despite the obvious pomp and circumstance that I am all too happy to oblige in cases like these, I do wonder how the price has jumped so astronomically. I can't imagine it's cheap to clear out St Paul's and close off half of the roads in Central London on a weekday, but the gun carriage hire would be free I imagine? Either way, me not being a taxpayer I don't really need to concern myself; to all those who are I can only say...


Sunday 14 April 2013

This Day in History: Sic Semper Tyranus

On this day April 14th 1865, President Abraham Lincoln was shot by John Wilkes Booth at Fords theatre in Washington DC.

Booth was the only one of three conspirators to actually kill his target that night. Two other assassins: Lewis Powell and George Atzerodt attempted to kill Secretary of State Seward and Vice President Johnson as well , hoping that this would cut the head off the federal government and provide the South a chance to revive the Confederate cause. Lincoln died the following day from one shot fired at point blank range to the back of the head. Following the shot, Booth jumped from the President's box onto the stage, breaking his leg in the process, despite this he is said to have shouted "Sic Semper Tyranus"; in Latin "Thus always to tyrants". A touch melodramatic, but then again the man was an actor...

Friday 12 April 2013

The World of Tomorrow, Today?

Here's a good one from the BBC if like me you need to be lured our of your cynical shell every now and then. How is technology and the vast complexities of what many of us, myself included, consider to be almost science fiction changing our lives? Are we on the cusp of a Second Renaissance?

(Please note: Viewers from outside the United Kingdom may not be able to view this video, apologies)

I managed to survive, will you?

Monday 8 April 2013

7 Modern Sci-Fi Realities!

7 Modern Ghost Towns that look like Sci-Fi movies

Have a gander at this! Are you back to being 7 years old and wanting to crawl around in places like these, get filthy knees and be yelled at by your mum for getting radiation poisoning while wearing your new shoes? Yeah, me too. Check out the link above.