Sunday 10 March 2013

Well, I could tell you that was going to happen!

Well, the Falkland's referendum is underway and the results should be in soon! It's a very brave, autonomous move by the few thousand people who live on the Falklands to show that they have some say in their own futures. Whilst Argentina has been banging the drum and relying diplomatic pressure to force Britain to relinquish the islands, the islanders are taking matters into their own hands. I think we all know what they'll say...

And don't for a minute suspect that the Argentinians don't either. Hence why the latest statement out of Buenos Aires is that the islanders themselves do not have the right to choose and that the referendum is "illegal" and "utterly meaningless". Nice... Why not just call them squatters too? Rather amused me though really, if it isn't going the way you like; just close your eyes and pretend it's all a bad dream Madam President!

However, for all my being a wise-ass this vote underlines an issue which is never going to dissapear. 258 Britons and 649 Argentines fought and died to try to put an end to the argument, banging on about this now just dishonours their sacrifice! The simple fact is that as long as this is a fair vote and the islanders choose British Sovereignty, Argentina will never get the Melvinas returned to them, the UN will never side with Argentina if they continue to throw their weight around like a stroppy, pubescent teenager. Furthermore, the UN will never agree to help override the wishes of the islanders themselves, sorry!  

Oh and just to totally screw you up... anyone want to point out that it was the French who owned the Falklands first? No? Alright then!

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