Sunday 10 March 2013

Two Reasons!

Congratulations Mr Assad! You've now given me two reasons to be saddened by the civil war that's tearing Syria apart!

Firstly, and most obviously, the tremendous and utterly pointless loss of life, i'm not in the business of downplaying that for a second.

BUT, secondly I just heard that the Syrian Army has shelled the castle of Crac de Chevalliers, a UNESCO world heritage site of outstanding importance, one of the best preserved medieval castles in the world! From me to you, "man who gave that order, whatever-the-fuck-your-name-is" there's a place for you reserved in the special level of hell along with rapists and murderers. I'll have the Devil bake a cake for your welcoming bash.

Now, before any of the more sensitive of you think "hang on mate, way to stick up for the western history of the region and making light of it" I've also found out that the beautiful Citadel in Aleppo and many of the most stunning mosques in Islam have been burned out or looted. If I had had the money and resources (being a poor British schoolboy I didn't) Syria was one of the places I wanted to see the most, precisely to see these sights! Now, no one will ever be able to appreciate them again in their entirety, assuming they survive the war at all.

As if the destruction of the Syrian people wasn't enough for this war? It's now raping their heritage!

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