Monday 18 March 2013

Oh my God... I care so little I almost passed out!

Well now, President Kirchner is now beseeching the Pope to "start a dialogue" over the Falklands. Banging on again about how Britain is "militarising the whole South Atlantic" rather than stationing defensive forces around a pair of tiny islands that Argentina has invaded in the past...

The interesting thing is, she made no mention of the return of the islands to Argentina. In my mind, two possible explanations: she is so confident the Pope will side with his own nation that she feels no need to; OR she doesn't want to be quoted lying to the head of the Catholic Church?

But, I don't see what good its going to do her or Argentina to be honest, I don't want to be the one to tell you this... but Britain stopped being a Catholic nation the better part of 500 years ago... we owe no loyalty and Papal authority is not sufficient to get us to change policy. It's not like back then, the Pope won't excommunicate the nation and allow Catholics to take us out, much as you might want it to be Madam President. Swing and a miss...

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