Thursday 9 May 2013

You can't help but love the underdog, even when he's a Crim!

A quick tribute to one of my personal heroes: Frank Abagnale Jr; one of the ballsiest, smartest and most enduring con-men in the history of fraud and criminality. His impressive list of legal accomplishments is a footnote to a rather sad childhood, which he regrettably missed out on from the age of 16; as Abagnale himself puts it "I never went to a senior prom or a high school football game".

You forgot Thief!

He's often asked to be a keynote speaker given his more recent legitimate work with the FBI and the U.S. Federal Government in general; rather than butcher his life story in paraphrasing I always find it's better to hear it from the horses mouth. Watch the video below ( in two parts ) if you have some time to kill, and hear the story of how one 16 year old boy from a Catholic boys school ran from a New York Courtroom in tears and ended up in a French prison 5 years and a couple of million dollars later.

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