Monday 31 March 2014

From Tiny Acorns...

BBC - Germany returns looted artwork to Poland
We've all seen pictures like this one - at least one piece of what was missing is back in it's owners hands
A piece of looted art stolen from Poland by the Nazis during the invasion in 1940 has found its way home! German foreign minister Steinmeir returned the piece to his Polish opposite number today. If you want the rest Poland, ask Switzerland!

Friday 28 March 2014

The Unknown Soldier

Hello again after a long absence! Interesting things are occurring at the Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders Museum. I have been given a singular privilege in being asked to transcribe a 150 year old diary written by one of the regiment's soldiers, chronicling his experiences in the Crimean War and Indian Mutiny. The reason this is interesting? There is absolutely nothing to tell who the hell this guy is! The words of a common soldier from 150 years ago during one of the world's forgotten wars; who witnesses the Battles at the Alma, Balaklava, the Thin Red Line and the Charge of the Light Brigade. Who suffered through lice, disease and escapes death on a couple of occasions.

The Battle of the Alma - One of several notable events covered from the point of view of our mysterious friend.

How can that not make an appearance on this long neglected blog which was set up by me to bring forgotten history to the fore for your perusal??

I'm currently in the last stages of transcribing it by hand (don't ask me why! I just started it and was too lazy to stop!) and then i'll begin typing it up for the Museum's archive so I will share with you what I can on here. You heard it here first, so keep your eyes peeled for updates.